The Significance of Digital Lavender
It’s the year 2023 and in comes ‘Digital Lavender’ – a colour that resonates with stability, balance, healing and optimism. A colour that we all relate to. A colour perfect for the new world! This colour is predicted to connect with people’s focus on well-being and revival of their selves.
According to trend analysts at WGSN and colour/textile experts at Coloro, Digital Lavender will be the Colour of 2023. This delicate shade is meant to evoke serenity, tranquillity, and healing. Digital Lavender, however, has already stimulated an impactful online presence and it’s only a matter of time before it appears in home decor and physical spaces.
Vintage Blue; a shade that embodies calmness and resilience and Canyon Dusk; a warm shade with centring capabilities that prioritizes solace have been announced 2021’s Colour of the Year. Enter 2023 – a world that will be awoken to a new life. A life that needs to be adjusted to after a lengthy period of discomfort, uncertainty and restriction. In comes Digital Lavender – a colour that resonates with stability, balance, healing and optimism. A colour perfect for the new world! This colour is predicted to connect with people’s focus on well-being and the revival of their brand new selves.
Most trend analysts predict that COVID-19 will reshape our aesthetic preferences post-pandemic. Our homes will be rethought and all unnecessary articles and dormant corners will be replaced with spaces that are meaningful and integrate perfectly with our daily lives. The colours we use within our homes will also be reevaluated for the same reason.
“Digital Lavender signifies that stability, serenity, and digital escapism that so many of us have built into our recuperative rituals to both protect and improve our mental health in challenging times. As consumers find solace and comfort inhabiting the virtual space, the influence of video games and virtual realities will become all-encompassing, distorting the boundaries between our online and offline existence”
Coloro’s Head of content Joanne Thomas.
We’ve changed with the pandemic and so has our aesthetic and view of spaces.