Beat the Heat: Summer Essentials for Homes in Chennai

2024-04-17T16:13:45+05:30April 17th, 2024|Environment, Interiors|

As the sweltering heat of summer looms over Chennai, residents will need to prepare their homes to provide respite from the rising temperatures. Check out our practical tips and strategies to create a cool and comfortable indoor environment. From smart interior design choices to thoughtful pet care practices, discover how to navigate the summer months with ease and comfort.

Transforming your home with chic decor

2023-10-27T10:24:18+05:30October 27th, 2023|Design & Art, Interiors|

A home is where the heart is because homes these days are a lifestyle statement. A chic decor can be achieved through a subtle combination of creativity, shopping smartly, and choosing the designs strategically. Experiment with these relevant tips for achieving that chic look without breaking the bank.