Caring for Health and Home During Heavy Rains.

2021-11-20T20:33:03+05:30November 20th, 2021|Health & Wellness|

The current weather phenomena causing heavy rains in Tamil Nadu and Chennai in particular which some blame on climate change is causing severe disruptions in personal and work lives. In such times not only do you need to take good care of your health but also protect your homes. So here are ways to keep your health and your home intact

The Future Is Virtual

2021-10-01T12:59:23+05:30October 1st, 2021|Technology and Automation|

The mind challenges technology and technology has come to channelize our minds. Advanced technologies like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are bringing together the two worlds of humans and machines together. In this blog post, we’re going to explore the next generation of technologies like VR, AR and LiDAR.

Breathing Better with Yoga

2021-06-21T14:38:30+05:30June 21st, 2021|Health & Wellness|

Yogasana is a combined effort of physical positions paired with thoughtful breathing practices that strive to maintain balance through the body’s physical and mental state. The driving force behind all our energy is called the Prana; breath in English. Pranayama or Prana means “to extend the vital life force” and is one of the most crucial practices within the realm of Yoga. This International Yoga Day, learn more about how to breathe better with the practice of yoga on our latest blogpost.

The Significance of Digital Lavender

2021-06-09T19:04:19+05:30June 9th, 2021|Interiors|

Most trend analysts predict that COVID-19 will reshape our aesthetic preferences. Our homes will be rethought and all unnecessary articles and dormant corners will be replaced with spaces that are meaningful and integrate perfectly with our daily lives. The colours we use within our homes will also be reevaluated. Read more on why experts at Coloro, predict Digital Lavendar will be the Colour of 2023.

Hidden Gems of Teynampet

2021-05-19T18:18:29+05:30May 18th, 2021|Development|

Teynampet is one of Chennai's most popular and bustling commercial hubs. It is home to upscale restaurants, coffee shops, artisanal bars, high-end hotels, and consulates. It also holds a grand and tranquil botanical garden featuring more than 600 flora and fauna species with ornamental lakes and fountains. Learn more about some hidden gems in Teynampet when you visit Chennai next.

Improve Air Quality at Home

2021-05-06T12:54:09+05:30May 5th, 2021|Interiors|

It's easy to see when you need to sweep, swab, and dust your home. However, it's harder to tell when the air in your home needs cleaning. The unpurified air that you breathe indoors, can be hazardous to your health without any telltale signs. Indoor air can be 2-5 times more polluted than outdoor air and now that we spend all our time at home, it's important to ensure our family's safety. Read more on various ways to better respiratory health.